🌸 Have you ever experienced it?
Have you ever experienced being in nature, feeling as though you were getting freshened?
So, what is the "freshness" you received from nature called?
It is the same as what we call "Prana", "Chi", "BioEnergy" or "Nature's Energy" (Sui, K. Chua).
🌸 What is Pranic Body?
We can consider having multiple bodies,
from the harder one, the physical body, to the other lighter ones.
Or, we can consider, the inner side and outer side of our body,
are surrounded by clouds of energy, clouds of BioEnergy, clouds of Pranic Energy, or Pranic body.
Our Pranic Body is the same clouds of energy.
It could be rich, fresh, clean, and balanced,
which shows we are in a healthy condition.
Otherwise, we could be partially or totally unhealthy (Sui, K. Chua).
🌸 What does a Healer do?
The healer tries to enrich the Pranic Body,
by connecting it to fresh nature sources,
making it fresher and more balanced;
also by cleaning the old, used, diseased parts of energy that are accumulated around the organ or body (Sui, K. C.).
🌸 Why Pranic Healing?
We have found Pranic Healing as
one of natural, soft, gentle,
accurate, responsive, non-intrusive, and safe forms of healing.
🌸 What is Pranic Healing?
The word "Prana" means "Life Energy" -in the ancient Sanskrit language.
In Chinese, it is called "Chi",
in modern texts, we say: "Bio-Energy".
Pranic Healing works with "Prana" of our inner body,
and "Prana" of the universal nature.
The inner body should be full of pure and clean (energy) "Prana"
in order to be healthy and energetic.
Additionally, "Chakras" are parts of the "Pranic Body",
they act as numerous entrances.
They transfer prana (energy) from nature to the body,
then transfer the used prana from the body back to nature.
Optimal health consists of healthy "Chakras" and a healthy "Pranic Body".
Also, the "Used Prana" could be part of the energy,
which the body can no longer utilize;
Any obstruction/accumulation of "Used Prana" in the Chakras or Pranic body
manifests as sickness in the physical organs -near or related to the Chakra.
The third and fourth bodies are made of "Emotional-Mental" energy,
which similarly must be treated with a pure and clean form of energy.*
* Sui, K. Chua. -The founder of Pranic Healing, Miracles Through Pranic Healing.
🌸What is the role of a healer?
The role of a Pranic Healer is to repair, cleanse, and normalize an individual's chakras and inner bodies with their expert knowledge of Pranic Healing, skills, and healing experiences.*
These skills are acquired through attending official Pranic Healing courses and practices for years.
* Sui, K. C. -The founder of Pranic Healing, Miracles Through Pranic Healing.
🌸How does Pranic Healing work?
Pranic Healing gives attention to the condition of one's Pranic Body. The Pranic Body is our second body, which plays a role of a mirror to the condition of the Physical Body.
Pranic Healing utilizes Prana (or Natural Energy / Bio-Energy) to energize and restore the optimal functioning of one's Chakras and inner organs. So that, an individual may enjoy increased health.
Pranic Healing also incorporates a method of cleansing the chakras and inner organs, from negative energies (accumulation of used prana/blockages). So that, normal circulation of the Life Energy may be restored back to the body.
Pranic Healing cleanses and energizes the Chakras and Organs in one's Pranic Body to harmonize the person with their Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Ridding the person from bad (used or low) energies, regulating the shapes and sizes of the chakras, all the while helping the Bio-Body to function at its optimal levels. The physical body, as a result, enjoys increased vitality and a higher level of Self-Immunity.
*Sui, C. K. - The founder of Pranic Healing, Miracles through Pranic Healing.
What types of issues could be improved or solved?
• Physical Body:
Flu, Cold, Viral infections, Headaches, Stomach aches, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Covid-19,...
Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart problems, Asthma, Migraine, Blood issues, Alzheimer, Cancers, ...
Pains, Weakness, Aging, Low immune systems, Insomnias, Recovering, Improving, ...
• Auto-immune diseases:
IBD, IBS, MS, Lupus, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, ...
• Psychologicals:
Fears, Phobias, Anger, Depressions, Relaxation, or Peace, ...
• Preventative:
Improving the immune system to its highest level
• Children:
children behaviors, psychological and physical issues
• Special needs:
Autism, Down Syndromes
• Beauty:
Reducing food Cravings, Assisting With weight loss, Improving Skin’s Appearance, ...
• Rare or unknown diseases
Unknown diseases, which don’t have specific names yet, or with unknown mechanisms
🌸What about the Psychological aspects?
Generally, the Physical Body is completely connected and affected by the Psychological Body. Almost always, the disorders of the body have some "roots" in the Psychological Body. So, when we encounter a physical issue, still we try to heal both the Physical and the Psychological Body, in order to have a "deeper" and more "long-lasting" healing. Other times, the main issue is concentrated only in the Psychological Body.
Psychological Healing is more delicate and at a higher level. It is helpful for the healer to know what kind of discomfort exists in the psychological aspect of the healee. Explaining the problem helps it to be better healed.
* Sui, k. Chua. Pranic Psychotherapy.
🌸What is the relationship between Pranic Healing and Medicine?
Pranic Healing is a type of holistic therapy, complementary to modern-day medicine, but not a substitute for it.
As a complementary energy therapy, it helps the body to restore its natural balance and improve its functioning. In this way, diseases will gradually rise to the surface and healed by the body’s natural healing system.
Generally, as a precaution, a Pranic Healer doesn't prescribe or change medications, doesn't provide any diagnoses, and doesn't incorporate physical touch.
How long will the complete healing take?
Generally, Pranic Healing works on a "graduate" level.
It includes several rounds of cleansing and energizing of different parts of the body;
In any round of cleansing and energizing
the patient should expect to feel better "little by little".
Through continuous therapy sessions,
the patient can expect a very dramatic, even complete, recovery.
Since completely resolving an issue depends on "several factors",
it is difficult to give an exact time estimate for the speed of healing.
On average, "older" diseases take more time,
"deeper" diseases take more time,
while most "recent" and "light" illnesses take less time.
In certain cases to solve a matter,
that is deeply rooted or has been existed in the person’s Bio-Body for a prolonged period,
it is recommended to work for a longer period of healing sessions,
by going deeper and deeper into this individual’s Light Body to help their recovery.
The Healer's condition can affect the healing process
Temporarily, whenever the healers are in a better psychological-energical condition,
their power to heal increases.
Also, On average, more master healers due to the long years of healing experiences, frequency of treatments, character building, their inner abilities to effect healing are greater than newer healers that are less experienced.
How the healee can affect the healing process?
The approach and mindset of the individual seeking healing are also important;
Each individual can actively participate in his/her healing session
by being "accepting", "receiving", and "harmonious";
It means being open to receiving to the loving healing energies.
When the improvement could be felt by the healee?
Sometimes in a very short time, even at the moment, the wellness is possible to felt,
while other times there might be a delay of time;
The delay is between the affection of the healing of the Pranic Body to the Physical Body,
afterwards, the healee can feel her/his improvement.
It might take about 5 mins to 24 hours.
It is recommended not to take a shower about 24 hours after the healing sessions,
in order to keep the more amount of energy has been received.
Charging for services in Pranic Healing:
Although our goal and wish are to give each individual the gentlest yet complete healing,
and do not charge for our services based on the result,
due to some results may be valued too much at really non-countable, some results may take longer to attain, and some results may be reached sooner than expected, surprisingly.
Thus, the charge for the services is going to depend on the instruments, like time, effort, experience, and knowledge that every healer has, regardless of what the result might be.
In any session, reharding to the healing has the general effect in all parts of the body, not very specific and limmited in some parts, means the improvement is contributed every where , regardless the secific aim of the healee, Also some improvements will results in being better in the future, it means preventing future disorders by improving all parts of the Light Body; Additionally sometimes the healee may feel the healing changes fast, some others may feel the recovery slowly; Or, some persons dont pay attention enogh to their changes; So, regardless the healee has felt any changes or not, the heaing almost always is done; In case the healer feels the session hasn’t been satisfactory to herself, for any reason and regardless of healing received, then the healee will be refunded.
Why is there a charge for the services?
The active role of the healer
By understanding the role of a Pranic Healer in the healing process, we understand why he/she charges for their services. In Pranic Healing, the healer plays an active role in the healing process, where they spend much of their energy concentrating on the ailed person’s bio-body in an effort to harmonize, detect, and solve mental and emotional energy blockages. Therefore, the healing sessions completely differ from healing through prayers.
The healer's role consists of two main stages: cleansing and energizing.
Cleansing: the most important stage in the Pranic Healing method,
it demands the healer's utmost presence and attention;
The healer, through continuous harmonious communication with the Healea’s Light Body, locates and cleanses the ailment, energy contaminants, and energy blockages in the chakras and organs of the Healea’s light body.
Energizing: This comes after cleansing, whereby the healer uses different volumes of energy to energize each chakra point of the Light Body. During this stage, the healer utilizes a high volume of concentration of his/her energy to correctly and precisely balance each point in the Healea’s Light Body.
In addition, while Pranic Healing is a 100% safe method of healing for the healee, the healer might sometimes experience a temporary lack of energy and energy contamination during the cleansing process; It requires additional time for self-healing afterward.
How long does a session take?
Each session can be between 15 minutes to 5 hours, depending on the needs of the healee.
Longer sessions need to have some breaks within the time;
In general, it is recommended that the first few sessions be longer sessions, and later ones be shorter.
Where a session could be conducted?
Sessions could be conducted in person or online;
Due to the pandemic situation, all the sessions will be held online,
via video chat all over the world.
After making an appointment via the website, a link will be sent to your e-mail, it is included the zoom session virtual address.
If it doesn't work, other virtual applications could be utilized.
Getting prepared for starting a session
- The healer needs to know your history of health condition, if there has been any surgery or critical condition, if you are pregnant, your other symptoms (currently or in the past), if you are taking medicine for some reasons, if those medications have had any effects, the degree, and frequency of the symptoms.
-The healer needs to know the psychological feeling of the healee as well.
- The healer first needs to take time, scanning and measuring the energy of the healee, on different parts of the body and different chakras, in order to have a measurement for understanding the changes.
- The healer needs to have face pictures, as evidence that could show some changes, before and after the healing sessions, also at the time of first contacting us.
- All the reports, documents, and pictures will be kept safe and confidential with us.
- The time of appointment might be flexible due to the healer's condition;
- In case of cancellation the session from the healer's part, the healee has the option of either rescheduling or being refunded.
With best wishes,